my story, your invitation

It was March of 2023, and I had just arrived in Sedona after a two-hour ride from Phoenix. Already, the towering red rocks took my breath away.
I reached the retreat house and was welcomed by Bridget Nielsen, the host (pictured above). As I settled in, I snapped a quick photo of the view and sent it to my friends, just to let them know I arrived safely…
…only to discover after the trip that I caught a surprise. The galactic visitors let me know they were there, hiding in plain sight.

I couldn't believe I finally got a photo of galactic spacecrafts! And that was just the beginning to my adventure.
That evening, Bridget asked us to share why we were there.
"Do I tell them?" I wondered.
I had only booked this trip two weeks prior, but Sedona had been calling me for years. Filled with curiosity and wonder of the lore of the vortex energies, of the alien craft and activity, of its beauty—curiosity awaiting the mystical transformation it had planned for me.
I was still pinching myself for having the chance to meet Bridget Nielsen, who played a significant role in my early spiritual awakening. Her show on Gaia TVand YouTube channel, all played a part in who I am today.
Just 1 month before, I had learned that I carried the BRCA2 genetic mutation, increasing my risk of breast, ovarian, and pancreatic cancers. I was here to find clarity about a decision that weighed heavily on me: Should I undergo surgery to remove my ovaries?
I couldn't speak the words aloud when it was my turn to share.
I was barely accepting the news myself let alone speaking it to a group of new people I didn't know (that quickly became friends).

But spirit knew. The land knew.
By the first night, I felt it—the Sedona Effect.
What is the Sedona effect you ask?
It's a phenomenon known for the land working on you energetically, without you having to do anything. The land itself is a powerful healer.
I first felt it as a pressure in my frontal lobe. It wasn't a headache; it was different. I asked Bridget, and she explained that it was Sedona's high vibration clearing energetic blockages. By day three or four, I felt it—something had shifted.
Whether it was the hikes, the fresh mountain air, the meditations, or just being in that sacred space, I knew I was not going home the same person.
On the last day, I still didn't have an answer whether I should have the surgery. My doctor was STRONGLY urging me to proceed, but my stubbornness told me, “I can heal myself. Sedona will heal me.”

It was my last day in the retreat. I went to Oak Creek where I sat and meditated as each of the group members found their spot and we proceeded to sink into the spirit of the river.
It was cold for March and I had bought a cute pink, Beanie hat. While sitting by the river, for some reason I felt called to put the knitted hat (that reminded me of my womb) in the river and held it as I watched it fill with water.
I finally heard it. “Have the surgery." spirit spoke.
My eyes filled with tears. Knowing what had to be done. I needed to let it go. I surrendered to it. And I grieved for my loss that was to come.
I got up to walk but could barely move. My new friend, Miranda grabbed my arm as I tried to explain the situation through my tears. She held me and supported me while I wept. We slowly walked back down the trail.
I felt my tears stop and I was breathing like I was pushing. I was feeling an intense pressure in my gut. As we walked, I stopped and screamed and pushed and grunted. I was pushing as if I was having a baby.
I suddenly realized, innately, I was pushing the energy of my ovary down to the earth. I was giving it to Mother Gaia.
She was calling for it and I must let it go.

Another friend heard me cry and came and grabbed my other arm. We continue to walk. I thought it was over but I then felt the pressure again. But this time, it was building in my head.
I knew I was birthing my other ovary to the sky.
I screamed. And pushed. And pushed with such intensity and it was finally received to the heaven realm. The group of women that had left before us must've heard my cry, and in support, they all screamed. They heard my cry and they returned the cry. We were separate, but we were together.
And while all of this was happening,there was a young male on the trail walking behind us.
Watching. Observing it all.
After my last push, he was passing by us when we made a “joke”… we told him "We are women. Hear us roar!" I remember his reply. "I hear you. I honor you.”
I know he was the divine masculine energy, present to witness the raw power of the feminine. And he will forever see women in a new way.
Fast forward to now, yes, I did have the surgery and I am continuing western medicine maintance protocol. And I'm still listening to Spirit guidance with reverence, not pride or stubbornness. Sedona did heal me, but just not in the way I thought it would.
Sedona made me stronger. Sedona made me wiser.
Empowered to lead my life because life is precious.
Quite simply, we came here to be life.
We are life. So let's live.
Spirit invited me to lead a trip to Sedona in spring of 2025. I am listening, allowing and acting on it.
I would love for you to experience the Sedona Effect. To be curious to what your unique mystical experience is awaiting in the red rock vortex.
And now it's my turn to hold space for you. Let me hold your arm as we walk the path together, whatever that looks like for you.
THIS IS YOUR JOURNEY— you are the hero of your story.
I have been through it and will hold, guide, initiate, and lead you to your transformation with the land.
If you feel called or have that tug in your heart, I invite you to the Sedona Galactic Gateway Retreat.

If you are needing a reset…
If you are struggling with big decisions…
If you are ready to jump timelines...
If you want to experience your multidimensional self…
If you had been called by the mountain...
This retreat is made for you.

I have been leading groups and spiritual travel for eight years now and have so much in store for you! Thank you for holding space for my story. I hope you find your own transformation in Sedona.
